Sunday, September 28, 2008

Patriotic Service

This is my husband leading worship and addressing the congregation.

My husband wanted to do something different this year to honor our civil service and military. The traditional time is usually done in July but where we live many people go away on vacation so he decided to do it in September. It was a very worshipful program with songs to honor our men and women who protect and serve us locally and overseas but most importantly with many songs to our almighty protector, Jesus Christ. We were able to have the local honor guard to perform the colors ceremony and a representative from each branch carry the service flags as we payed honor to those who served or currently serve in our military. It was a proud moment for my husband when the Marine flag went by and for me as his wife seeing him stand with such honor. It is even more meaningful knowing what he does on a daily basis pays honor and respect to our Lord and Savior by serving in the ministry. Over the past 9 years we have served as youth choir directors, part-time choir directors, and for the past 6 years he has held a position as a full-time Worship Pastor. It really makes me so thankful to know how God has truly blessed me with such a wonderful husband. 8 years ago we let our daughter then only a few months old stay with her grandparents and me and my husband went out for what I thought was a romantic dinner. I will never forget when he told me God had called him to preach and he begin to tell me all about the things that God has showed him and we begin to put pieces together the way WE thought that it would work out. I can honestly say that what we thought then was not exactly the way things have gone. We felt that someday we would be involved with the military again but I never knew the tests and trials we would go through to get here. We have made so many friends and had the opportunity to live in a few different places which I feel has prepared me for this new adventure we are about to start. Most people don't understand how we can love and enjoy this journey of what they see as an insecure life but I believe as long as we are where God leads us we are in the most secure place of all the Hands of God ! We are working hard to fulfill the calling God has placed on our lives. I can't say that the scary thoughts associated with the military again don't cross my mind but then I have to remember all the people who need us especially our soldiers. We are still in the beginning stages of this process but I feel so blessed to be a part of such a wonderful journey together with the love of my life, raising our four wonderful children and teaching them what it truly means to serve and follow God. I look forward to talking with other women who are a part of this journey too serving God and country as Chaplains wives.

Kate's 8th Birthday

This last Friday night I had 8 little girls over for Kate's Birthday Party and woah was I exhausted when they left....We have always had a party for all our friends and family but our closest relatives live over 3 hours away now so we let Kate decide what she wanted. We had a spa party- we did nails , make-up, hair and all kinds of pampering stuff like hand wax treatments and foot bath massages. It was so funny to see them all dolled up. They had so much energy to just dance around and be silly with little or no worries on their little minds (which is how I think it should be). Those girls downed three pizzas, chips, cake and popcorn like they had an empty storage room in their little tummies... She had so much fun and when present time came she opened the High School Musical Wii game from her Dad and I and that was it. We ALL had to take turns playing that for the remainder of the party day. Those girls screamed and danced and sang their little hearts out for hours. When darkness begin to fall outside so did the noise as the girls parents begin to pick them up one by one and my little birthday princess crashed on the couch within minutes. This was a wonderful day and the joy it brought my daughter was worth it all. Happy Birthday Katiebug !