Friday, October 17, 2008

Trip to visit family in Bama

We went to visit our family in Alabama last weekend. The kids had such a great time playing with their cousins and grandparents. We spent one day at their great grandparents house out in the country which the kids think is awesome, since we live in the city. It was such a beautiful day that the kids got to ride "sugarbaby" the horse which they loved so much. It is so nice getting to spend a little time with our families since we live away from all of them. This is only the 3rd time our families have gotten to spend time with the kids this year except my parents who travel to see us every couple of months or so. It was so nice not to have a schedule of things to do but just sit outside on the porch swing and watch the kids play and enjoy such a beautiful day that God created. It reminded me of how busy we let life get and how many precious little moments we miss by staying so busy. After this weekend we painted this little saying on our wall. I think it is so true..!!