Monday, June 6, 2011

First Day of School and August 2010 Highlights

This month started off by me finally having time to do a few things like CLEAN HOUSE...I have been so busy with school for the last year that laundry is only done to keep us clothed for the coming week...I was amazed when there were no dirty clothes except the ones we were wearing..I felt I had accomplished a major feat....
Zach graduated from Liberty this month and we were all so proud of him.. Our wonderful church family surprised Zach and the family with a graduation party in which friends and pastors spoke of Zach and his accomplishments..It was so exciting to see the look upon his face when we walked into the room and everyone stood to their feet clapping for him...I believe it was better than if he had walked across the stage in Virgina!
Well the kids started back to school. Kate is in 4th grade this year and Landon is already a big 1st grader.. They love school and are so excited to start back..I pray their love for school continues at least a few more years...:)
The funniest thing this month was the surprise arrival of our newest family member.."Stinkerhead"..One Sunday at lunch Zander called Lexi a Stinkerhead.. She exclaimed that was not her name and we talked about name calling and how we didn't need to do that...Around 2 hours later Zander decided that he would make "Stinkerhead into a real person in the family by placing a pullup on his head and dressing up...He stood at the top of the stairs screaming "I AM STINKERHEAD"... Now it is a funny and we catch them both putting pullups on their heads exclaiming to be the infamous..."STINKERHEAD"...!!